Sunday, 18 March 2012

History About The ICT

History of the Computer
Computers weren't as technological and complex like the ones we know. Early computers didn't use chips or monitors. They weren't as small nor big like the ones today. Back in the early 1600 to 1800s, people had theories,plans, or ideas of making a device that could do complex problems and mathematics so that they wouldn't keep writing down problems and solve them manually. They wanted a device that could add and subtract. Many of them started building such a device. They called this device the calculator or computer, since it calculates. The first digital calculator which could add and subtract was made by Blaise Pascal, a famous mathematican. Many more people had their own versions of the calculator as well. Pretty soon, many calculators/computers were being made.


As years passed by, newer calculators or computers were being invented one after the other. In 1671, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz invented a small computer, not the advanced technolical ones, that could add and multiply. Soon after, Charles Xavier Thomas built a newer calculator that could add, subtract, multiply, and divide. His invention was the first to become commercially succesful. Most inventions and their inventors were inspirations to other people and wanted to continue their work and improve the calculator/computer their way. To the right is Gottfried Wilheim von Leibnitz, one of the great inventors of the first calculator that could add and multiply. Image came from 

Probably one of the first complex computer that was an important part of the computer's history was  ENIAC, Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer/Calculator. This computer was big. It took a large room to fit this big computer in. ENIAC could do thousands of calculations, which it was made for. It was made by Presper Eckert, John W. Maulchy, and their associates. ENIAC was made during World War II so it was also used to calculate movement and strategies for the military during the war. It was very helpful for the Allied forces, especially America, during WWII. Computers have a long history to explain. Many scientists, inventors and computer technicians worked hard to make the computer and that hard work paid off. All the people who helped make the computer went down in history for doing so. The computer helped out the world a lot. You will see how in the next section. 

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